What makes English Shepherds special?

- English Shepherds are also called English Shadows. They adore their people! 

- English Shepherds are known for having an "off-switch." Despite being a herding breed who have limitless energy, English Shepherds know how to chill out when there isn't anything going on. That makes them easy keepers.

- English Shepherds have "teflon coats." Dirt, debris, and snow just slide right off. They are a double-coated breed so they do just fine in colder weather. The undercoat also helps them stay cool in the summer. 

- English Shepherds are known for their great love of children. They are very gentle and endlessly patient. 

- English Shepherds are a working breed. They were bred to work independently of humans, so they are very intuitive. They are also very intelligent!

- English Shepherds are rule followers. Many visitors are amazed that my dogs won't go in the kitchen/dining area. You can train English Shepherds to do pretty much anything because they love to follow rules! They are excellent at agility, obedience, search and rescue, and therapy.